Category: Ionic Framework

All posts for the Ionic Framework category, in reverse chronological order.

Ionic "Pipe not found", posted February 13, 2021

I'm building a web app using Ionic and needed a Pipe to transform some data for the app. I'm implementing a CSV file import process and I wanted to display each CSV row as a comma separated list after I'd imported all of it into a JSON object. My goal was to display the list for the user to make sure that the CSV Parsing process worked correctly before completing the import.

Ionic Capacitor Electron Window Configuration, posted September 24, 2020

I'm working on a new app for desktop PCs; since I want to deploy to Windows and macOS, I decided not to go the native route, but instead look for an alternative approach. Since I've done so much Ionic development lately, and the app I want to deploy to desktops already exists in Ionic, I decided to use Ionic, Capacitor and Capacitor-Community Electron for my app.

Ionic Electron Command Failed npm run electron:start, posted June 17, 2020

While testing an Ionic Electron app the other day, I opened a terminal window, navigated to the Ionic project folder, then executed the following command:

Ionic HTTP Failure Unknown Error, posted April 27, 2020

I'm working on a simple Ionic app I built as an example to publish publicly; it's a simple weather app that uses the OpenWeather API to display current conditions and forecast. The app runs great in the browser, but when you execute it on an Android Device, when the app connects to the Weather API, it immediately returns the following error:

Unexpected token '=', posted March 29, 2020

In a web app I've been working on, when I ran the application on an iOS device or Safari on macOS, A configuration panel built into the application didn't do anything when I tapped on the Gear icon to open it. When I looked at the console, I saw the following error:

Installation failed with message Invalid File, posted June 29, 2019

Occasionally, when launching an Ionic 4 Capacitor application on an Android device, Android Studio gives me the following error:

Ionic disable_input_output_paths, posted June 4, 2019

I was testing an Ionic application in Xcode yesterday when I received the following error message during the Build process: