Category: Node.js

All posts for the Node.js category, in reverse chronological order.

NPM Publishing Scoped Public Packages, posted November 16, 2024

I created a new node.js-based command-line utility this week (@johnwargo/link-checker) and since I knew there was already a package there with that name (link-checker) I knew I had to publish the package in such a way that a user could publish it and use my npm account name (@johnwargo) to install my version of the utility.

Executing NPM Package Launches JavaScript Editor, posted November 16, 2024

I created a new node.js-based command-line utility this week (@johnwargo/link-checker) and when I first tested the utility after publishing it, something weird happened. Rather than launch the utility as I expected, the node.js package's source code file opened in the default JavaScript editor on my Windows system.

Random Errors